Monday, August 12, 2013

Hello there

Why is it so hard to blog? I cant tie my words together or know what i should even talk about.
Most people write about their love problems and some write about their hard life.
My love life's confusing.
My life can be hard.
But isn't everyone's life like that?
With A-holes, and taxes, and other crap. 
Sometimes i cant take it.
I was always the girl in the corner, the loser, the outcast.
I had friends who understand me.
My 'boyfriend' has nothing in common with me.
My mom takes care of me
My dads an ass. (except i love my step-mom)
If you go read or watch other peoples blog, there's a chance that they are somewhat similar. 
Is your life similar?

Sunday, August 11, 2013

my weird beginning

Sometimes, the beginnings are the hardest part. My teachers always say that the hooks are the only thing that keeps the reader reading. I always failed for some reason. I guess, if i like the topic i write it in ease, but if its another boring topic i struggle.

My names Emalee. I'll be starting high school year next year.

i have nothing other to say for an intro.
Talk to you again!